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Fear of the Ocean

By: Stephen Byrd

The ice popped and cracked as it slowly melted. The enormous mosasaurus, frozen in the ice for millions of years, began to thaw as the ice around it melted. Freed from it’s icy prison, it floated to the surface, lifeless and drifting among the chunks of the iceberg that were breaking off. Warm rain fell from the sky, slowly raising the creature’s body temperature. In a final stroke of cosmic luck, a bolt of lightning struck the dead animal, the electrical current strong enough to restart a heart that had been frozen for sixty five million years. As the now-warm blood

Three strangers win an all-expenses paid vacation package on a Caribbean tour. It seems like the opportunity of a lifetime, until they encounter an unlikely creature. A prehistoric mosasaurus, revived by global warming, begins hunting the group and picking them off, one by one. The survivors must get to land, but the hungry mosasaurus has no intention of letting it’s meal get away.



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